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The Hope North Project provides a safe village and school for children who have lost one or both of their parents during the raids on villages in Northern Uganda. We have helped provide a clean water source for the village, and we continue to support the many projects in the village's school.


Efutu Mampon, Ghana

Efutu Mampon, Ghana, is a small rural village about thirty miles north of Cape Coast. The village had pipe-borne water, provided by the government, as well as an elementary school, but no electricity. Protection from poisonous snakes for the men who gather fruits and vegetables in the jungle is a high priority, especially inportant because the nearest medical facilities are in Cape Coast. The school, built by European Union, lacks books and other eductional supplies; electricty for the school is provided by solar panels. We are presently providing two scholarships: one for a male student who is studying at a university in Accra, the first person from the village to do so; and the other, for a female student to attend high school in a neighboring village and then to attend three years of nurse's training. Both of these students will return to the village after they complete their schooling.


Women's Bean Project

The Women's Bean Project is an American company located in Denver, Colorado. This project provides training and employment for at risk women.

​​Call us:

(715) 821-9411

​Find us: 

120 North Main Street

River Falls, Wisconsin 54022 USA


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